Sunday, 19 April 2015

FREE PLANET vs WAR WORLD - new website to promote - competing trilogies

Three years in the writing of the six novels of the interconnected Hertzan Chimera trilogies, there's a new website to promote the completed i.e. finished "Free Planet vs War World" dual/duelling novels.

Let the world know, WAR WERE DECLARED.

click image to visit the "Free Planet vs War World" promotional website

Saturday, 11 April 2015

REAPER (free planet #3) novel now available - You The People series finale.

this weekend is a very special weekend for me, it's the culmination of THREE YEARS of intense and often insane writing effort to resolve the War World vs Free Planet issue.

REAPER (the third and concluding novel in the Free Planet series) has been published by Chimericana Books in ebook, kindle and paperback. All formats should be there by the end of this weekend. In the end, it all went rather smoothly. But one imagine you'll wanna know what happened and who won the war.

I'm not even sure who really won, or if the war was worth fighting, you'll have to judge for yourselves how it went. Is this the end of War World vs Free Planet? It feels like it.

Was the conclusion satisfactory or are there still opportunities for more books in the series? How concerned were you that the two series became intimately interconnected? Will you write back and let me know?

REAPER, back cover blurb:

The first book was Custodians vs You The People
The second book was Military vs Civilians
In this third book Reaper, the Crystallines and the Organics go at it. 

But who will win and what is really at stake here? 

And what is the VMC? 
And how do our dreams enslave us? 
And what does Free Planet really taste like to the Reaper? 

Saturday, 4 April 2015

REAPER - Free Planet book three - 60,000 words

Well, that's it ladies and gentlemen,

REAPER, book three in the Free Planet trilogy started in 2013, is finished.

 “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act,” George Orwell 1948.

In the end, Reaper came in at 60,000 words and those who know of my other work/references will understand and appreciate the direction this Free Planet franchise and the War World franchise went/will go. When I say this, and you'll have to read both series right to the end, I mean there's a lovely Future Franchise that will take the whole FP vs WW narrative onto the next level via one unified story line. More of that in coming updates on a newly created blog just for that purpose.

MORNING-AFTER UPDATE: just sorted out the back cover blurbs for both these tandem novels, and I think they'll be published by some time in next week. I just have to do this now, not later. Now.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Crying Insane Assassin II - let me die in suspicious circumstances - The Enigmatic Variation

oops, we don't talk about that...'s like my poetry/prose editors used to respond, back in the eighties/nineties when I was submitting such to relevant journals under several pseudonyms like Michael Paul Peter and Vierland Brecke and Jane Louxis, "You're trying to tie up all the loose ends too neatly in your work," and by this they meant that I used to write poetry/prose such that the earlier content of the poems/prose was summarised neat and tidy at the end. Tied together. Neat. Boring. Mostly it was just the last line or two of a piece of work...

Then I became a "novelist", and I realise that, "Tying up loose ends is the job of a novelist, but..." maybe it's time to go back into both Kumiko (war world #3) and Reaper (free planet #3) and take out much of the neatness and tidiness I insertyped into those heavily-architectured twin-resolutional concluding-books of this dual-trilogy known as "Free Planet vs War World". The Enigma Variation of what might just be a boring set of novels about a boring topic might elevate it to something of worth to the future reader looking for a sensible reason why his world of slavery and debt and godma is SO UTTERLY FUCKED.

For example: six weeks ago, I beg'd CIA please don't let me die yet so that I could finish these two concluding novels of the dual-trilogy. As if they were important right now or something. As if two more books would be just the necessary more-wordage that would convince people that Free Planet will always win over War World. As if the universe or the world you live in is that simple. I realise it's not that simple, but you know what? Were I to die, today, in suspicious circumstances... like, for example, Dutch demolitions expert Danny Jowenko (pictured above) who watched the Saloman Brothers Building aka WTC7 come down into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9/11 and proclaimed, "Yes, that was a professional demolition job, no?"

These concluding novels in the dual trilogy (like the reams of smoking-gun 9/11 evidence) are already there, in various stages of development. They could be published as they are: Notes for a Ruined Planet or something of that ilk. There's no reason why not. Some editor could tidy them up so that they read like English. He/she'd do it differently than I'd done it, so... it would have the same effect. It would achieve the same aim. The six novels of the dual-trilogy "Free Planet vs War World" are done. Already. It's that simple. They're done already even though I haven't gone in and Philbin'd them up yet. Maybe some mainstream publisher will consider taking on my dual-trilogies and releasing them in these commemorative covers after my untimely death.

Maybe nothing of this kind will happen.
Maybe the concluding parts are never finished or published.
Maybe the world will continue to be ruled by mega-conglomerates and banking overlords playing a ruthless game of RISK with your very existence and you'll remain ambivalent to your for-profit patent-protect slavery but...

Enough people now know that Mike Philbin blog'd and youtube'd about his free planet manifesto for a number of years and he wrote four books in a planned six in the War World vs Free Planet dual-trilogies and somewhere in the world rough versions of those concluding dual-novels exist and could be published at some time in the future.

While I'm not that naive to believe that my Free Planet vs War World series will save the world or anything. Well, not this generation's world. Not this Earth, this generation's world is obviously doomed to die in the flames of corporate slavery and ruin. But more of that at some other time, if there is some other time. Fact is, though these books won't save you, or your children, I'm determined to have fun with you while I finish off the series with Kumiko and Reaper. I intend this Free Planet vs War World series to really fuck with the readers' minds, and it will. Believe this.

Enough people will finally realise that a Free Planet is the only way forward for mankind, were he wishing to remove himself from the cynical carnival called G3 or Global Gambling Game. And that's all living is, it's just a game. You decide your rules. Not them...

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Free Planet 3 (Reaper) - finally, the finale has a structure - Crystalline chapters working

okay, you'all realise I've had the 'ending' or 'potential narrative/character content for an ending' for years, hence the cover for Reaper (free planet #3) which was designed back in 2014.

But this morning I received THE MOTIVE and the back-room scandal/dealings that gets us there. It's a good ending. It's a just ending. And yes it's as brutal as fuck in so many ways. Cruel as only a re-Wilded home world like Free Planet will allow. In fact, it's coming along so well in notebook form, I can't wait to transcribe this shit into doc format and expand on the confusion and pain of humanity as REAPER climaxes, galactically.

Once this novel is complete, that means that all six novels of the twin-trilogy Free Planet vs War World will be complete. I'll write this finale up through spring/summer (time and patience pending) and parts 3 of this duo-trilogy Kumiko (war world 3) and Reaper (free planet 3) will be out in paperback ebook kindle etc. via all decent online distributors some time during 2015. All being well. I never thought I'd end up writing a six-book interlocked dual narrative, but that's the joy of the creative process, eh?

"The Hoo-hoo are coming! The Hoo-hoo are coming!" cries the second death of Earth angel.

MONTH LATER UPDATE: I now have a filled-slots sketched-out third free planet novel that's somewhere just over 40,000 words with loads of typing up to perform yet. It wasn't easy either, hence this month-long delay in progress. I had tried all sorts of ways to extract information from my notes but there was something missing and I wasn't convinced by the earlier answer I had to how to do this. I had to be really brave with the allegedly above-resolved content and I had to totally restructure (and will have to totally rewrite to purpose) the Crystalline chapters of the novel so that they become a what happened first person how when why journalistic testimony. But I now have my alternative angle to fill with personal content, and it's gonna auto-resolve itself thanks to the structures already present in the copious notes of this novel.

The Organic side of REAPER (free planet #3) is the 'classic script' version where all the relational drama is laid bare, mostly dialogue. This is brim-filled with relevant narrative content, not sketches. Reaper should be a fine ending to the Free Planet vs War World series.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

REAPER (free planet #3) - manuscript is one year old today - and still growing

so, today I wandered off for my usual 5-6 mile jog, ended up doing a quite decent 7.5 miles... just kept running and running, felt great. Anyway, on the way round, I experienced another bout of Jog Dreaming. As explained before, Jog Dreaming is where a weird 'haven't died yet' vibe seems to be rewarded with intense dream-like auto-resolutions or channelings (a term and concept I really don't like as it implies that 'my work is not my own') of novel content from the point where I'm currently at in any given project.

I've just banished myself to bed with my trusty old laptop while the girls watch The Voice and (firing up the February 2015 version from the relevant folder) I've just noticed that the 33,000 words Reaper (free planet #3) document is one year old this month. Happy birthday to it, happy birthday to it, Happy birthday dear document, happy birthday to it. LOL.

"One year old and only 33,000 words?" as true as that might be, remember I did write Kumiko (war world #3) to first-draft i.e. about 66,000 words while I should have been (had promised to be) working on Reaper through 2014. Anyway, a bit more research on the real age of the Reaper document takes me back to an unused novel treatment from March 2013 called Extinction Level Event that I was gonna use as the core or basis of what this third free planet novel was going to be. Most of that got abandoned in the writing of Reaper but a blind-archaeologist character from ELE might just insinuate himself back into the final free planet novel. He'll probably succeed way things are going with the story.

But ELE goes back even further than that, I was working in the games industry in 2009 when I first came up with the eye-porn idea. I know this because I remember sharing the guts of the narrative with one of my colleagues at the time. So that locks the origins of the Reaper novel way back in 2009 before the Free Planet novel-cum-series even started. ELE went into limbo, got time-capsuled, or mothballed. Strange how these things take so long to brew - luckily it'll be a nice dark vintage by the time it's done. Dark and dangerous, for you the reader and your enslaved souls. The Ninety Billion.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Reaper (free planet #3) - Please don't let me die yet - Crying Insane Assassin.

both due by end 2015
it's a thought I had regularly while writing the 2008 Silverthought Press releases Bukkakeworld and Planet of the Owls. I am forever grateful to Paul Hughes of Silverthought who had faith in these strange disturbing adult novels to publish them in the first place - they're not an easy read. At the time, I suspected these books were the reason I'd been born on this planet and they'd contain some sort of Legacy Material that I'd eventually become famous for. I'd be happy to die if only they were out, for public consumption. And that happened. And nothing happened. Anyway...

Fame is not why I write, one can achieve fame by pulling one's tongue out on Breakfast TV or dropping one's trousers on Late Nite with Letterman. That's not (personally) the Creative Path I'm travelling down. I'm an egotist; yes, as an artist it's important that the journey one takes is a personal one and the audience are dragged along in the turbulence of the output. And this applies to the writing process too.

2010-2013 was the time period in which I thought quite hard about, blog'd furiously about then finally wrote the devil's-advocate Free Planet novel Custodian. It was always intended as a one-novel project called Free Planet, but then (just prior to publication in early 2013) I realised there was an opportunity to extend the narrative out with MIDDD or Military Industrial Dogma Double Dealings that told the 'real story' of why Free Planet (Custodian) happened. But then, you see, Free Planet #2 (Liberator) hinted at the concept of a War World and the fact that everyone living today is still at war, it's just that it's now a for-profit war, a patent-protect war, a non-disclosure-agreement war. But we're still at war.

Late 2013 saw the first release of the tandem War World series. As it stands today, books one and two of the projected six-book series or double-trilogy are out in paperback, ebook, Kindle etc via Chimericana Books from Amazon, B&N and all the usual online book-buying places. Book three of the War World series (I'd like to think trilogy would be enough, I'm sure it is) Kumiko is mostly finished at 66-70,000 words or so and I'm hard at work on book three of the Free Planet series Reaper - 30,000 words and rising daily.

All the time, I'm thinking, "Don't let me die yet, don't let me die yet," and it's not as if these works are VITAL or IMPORTANT in any way, shape or form that can save mankind or otherwise alter his future. It's just a daft northerner having fun with words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, character, voice and ideas. It's a writer goading a reader to think, at the very worst. But it's the feeling that I've put so much into these six books, these parallel trilogies, and (even with the page after page of copious and contradictory notes in the unfinished manuscripts that I don't always adhere to) I'm the only who can finish this. Sometimes a character's narrative journey is more important than the story he's adopted into. So, let me do it. Let me finish it. Don't let me die yet.

WEEK LATER UPDATE: not only is Free Planet falling to bits, not only is the story racing to its breathless climax, but there's now a CRYING INSANE ASSASSIN on the loose, and he/she's taking no prisoners. Watch out, Custodians, you're on his/her list. And you deserve all that's coming to you.